Ha! See what I did there? Not Pinterest, but a TWIST on Pinterest. Clever, I know. Let me explain: During one of my Pinterest browsings, I came across a pin that discussed how one lady has made an album of all of the weird, funny faced, horrible pictures of her family from vacations and holidays. How mean, right? And GENIUS.
While I'm really not into going back through the files to create an entire album of horrible outtakes, I did think of something I could do that would incorporate the lighter side of this idea. My twist: googly faced and funny pictures of my loved ones to adorn my guest room. What better way to show friends and family you love them than decorate your walls with embarrassing pictures of them, no?
Several months ago, I did an overhaul on my guest room, painting walls and putting up wallpaper. I filled some picture frames with pictures I already had printed off, just to get a head start on filling empty walls, which drive me NUTS. I think it's a reaction to my mom always being afraid to hang things on the walls, But we'll have to make a HOLE in the wall to hang it!! Sorry mom, I still love you, despite your weird phobia. If you know you have rooms to decorate, and pick up cheap frames when you find them, it's always a good idea to have some of your favorite pictures already printed off and on hand so you can have a frame filler ready to go. When I print off pictures at Costco, I usually print off a handful more than I need of various pictures in different sizes, and then keep the stash on hand for fillers/changeouts so I'm ready to go. Nothing kills the frame hanging mood more than getting it home, realizing you don't have a picture to put in it, and letting it sit on the floor for months while you constantly forget about finding a picture to fill it with.
Back to my guest room- let me fill your eyes and brains with some of the lovely pictures of my family that currently fill the walls. I do plan on changing these out at least once or twice a year to spice it up, depending on which guests come to visit. Some college pictures will be making an appearance sometime soon- I have no shortage of silly pictures from that bygone era to make me laugh. I will also be on the hunt to get some funny pictures of more family members during my next visits with family....I'm looking at you, GRAM.
A small vignette next to the bed. |
Don't discount buying frames just because they are the wrong color- that's what spray paint is for!! The oval frame came in a package of two and was black. I attempted to use gold and green on these frames before getting irritated- they ended up white. At some point, I might try to go back and gold leaf them just for fun- I feel like there's too much white, and I need a bit of variety on the wall.
Daddio circa 1983...what a gem. And Mom in her blue dress behind him...ooh la la look at that shapely leg! |
Family making faces. Love. |
What you can't see from this picture is the memory of my brother tying a helium balloon to the back of the kid's pants while the photo is being taken. Oh memories. |
This little lovely was a ROCK STAR when up close and personal with the animals! |
We got some strange looks from people at the museum while taking several versions of this picture. Priceless. |
Love my ladies! |
Funny faces at the park. |
And in case you forget whose house you're in...you lovely hosts are here to remind you it's time to make love to the donuts. There's no sense in making fun of others if I'm not going to make fun of myself, too! |
And on that note, I'm out. It's Labor Day Weekend, and it's time for a drink. Cheers to weekend happiness!
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